How Kanza’s grain business is also a people business.
In some ways, the grain business seems rather straightforward: Farmers bring their grain to Kanza Co-op. We store it, buy it and resell it to feedlots, flourmills, terminal elevators and ethanol plants.
But there’s a personal side of the process that makes a difference to patrons and customers of Kanza Grain. We focus on building relationships, taking care of patrons and making the process go smoothly for all parties. It’s just good business.
Serving our patrons.
Kanza Cooperative strives to provide the most efficient service for grain producers‚ getting trucks in and out of the elevator, and back to the field as quickly as possible.
Satisfying end users.
Grain condition is a top priority‚ keeping grain cool, dry and bug free. So, end users can count on products that are in excellent conditions for future executions.
Capacity: Nearly 20 million bushels
De alguna manera, el negocio de los granos parece bastante sencillo: los agricultores traen sus granos a Kanza Co-op. Lo almacenamos, lo compramos y lo revendemos a corrales de engorda, molinos harineros, elevadores de terminales y plantas de etanol. Pero hay un lado personal del proceso que marca la diferencia para los patrocinadores y clientes de Kanza Grain. Nos enfocamos en construir relaciones, cuidar a los clientes y hacer que el proceso se desarrolle sin problemas para todas las partes involucradas. Es un buen negocio.