Kanza Cooperative Association is pleased to announce the start of the 6th Annual Wheat Harvest Photo Contest!
Kanza members, employees, and friends are encouraged to submit pictures via our Facebook and Instagram pages and tag them #KanzaHarvest23. Submissions will be accepted now through July 14th. Finalists will be selected in four categories:
- Lavish Landscapes- One of the perks of Kansas is being able to look as far as the eye can see across out many fields and pastures. Snap a picture of your favorite landscapes or natural scenery.
- Mouthwatering Meals- Meals in the field are an essential part of any harvest. Here is a chance to showcase the yummy food sent to the fields, those who prepare it, or those who enjoy it.
- Hardworking Harvesters- Many long, hard hours go into wheat harvest. Show off the dedicated workers that you know and love.
- Kanza’s Crew- This category is just for members of Kanza’s Crew, or our talented employees! Pictures can be of any subject matter relating to wheat harvest.
We will also be accepting entries for a Youth division again this year. Youth entries are separated into two divisions by age (7-12 and 13-17). A maximum of 4 entries (see official rules for more details) may be submitted by each youth to amcguire@kanzacoop.com and must be accompanied by a signed release form. The deadline to submit entries is July 14, 2023.
Followers of the Kanza Facebook page will vote for their favorite submissions during the week of July 17th. Winners will receive a Kanza Prize Pack and the overall winner will be featured on the cover of Kanza’s 2024 Annual Meeting Program.
For more information, see official contest rules, youth division rules, and release form below.
Wheat Harvest Contest OFFICIAL RULES